Atopic eczema in adults
Atopic eczema in adults has the same cause as in children. However, its symptoms are different and affect different parts of the body. The cause is a congenital tendency to allergies associated with impaired skin function. It is quite rare for the disease to first appear in adulthood. It is more common for atopic eczema to appear soon after birth, then disappear and reappear as an adult.

Atopic eczema in adults comes in several forms.
In the skin folds, knees and forearms as red itchy, dry and cracking deposits.
On the palms and interdigital area in the form of subcutaneous pimples that burst into blood, swell or peel the skin in shreds.
On the feet and hands as oval dry reddened deposits.
On the neck and face as acne-like itchy pimples which merge into spots.
In the hair like itchy and peeling skin.
The trigger for atopic symptoms in adults is mainly the environment. Contact allergens are present everywhere, on the ground, in the air and in the water. Atopic skin can begin to react to cosmetics, perfumes, chemicals, animal hair, feathers, dust, metals, soil, dust mites, pollen and thousands of others.
Atopic eczema in adults is the most common cause of occupational skin disease.
Persons with a predisposition to atopic eczema should pay considerable attention to skin care and use protective equipment at least in the form of barrier cream.