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Dyshidrotic eczema on hands - treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema on hands - treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema typically appears on palms, between the fingers and on external edges of the fingers, and sometimes on the sole of the feet. It accompanies the atopic or contact dermatitis.

The symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema are small subcutaneous pimples and blisters. The skin can but must not itch. The pimples are palpable, although they are often not visible.

Dyshidrotic eczema treatment

The pimples form on the skin as a reaction to an allergen in which it skin was in the contact in last 2-72 hours. Therefore, it is then necessary to think of which activities could possibly irritate the skin and try to avoid them. It is necessary to start wearing protective gloves and, if the dyshidrotic eczema is still in the dry, not yet cracked phase, you could apply modern barrier creams such as Dermaguard cream that can be purchased in a Pharmacy.

In the initial phase of the dyshidrotic eczema, the skin is irritated only and there are bumps under the skin that are hardly palpable. In this phase of the dyshidrotic eczema, no greasy ointments should be applied. However, the proper moisturizing of the skin should be achieved with fragrance-free moisturizing creams, ideally with a prolonged effect, e.g., the barrier cream Dermaguard is able to moisturize the skin for 4–6 hours in addition to protecting it without being washed off of the skin. Beware of washing your hands too often – this does not benefit your skin. Soap and cleaning pastes degrease the skin and change its natural pH. Scrubbing the skin with towel causes forming of microfissures in the weakened skin and can add a skin infection to the existing dyshidrotic eczema.

If the dyshidrotic eczema manifests itself with dry and cracked areas or is itching, you can try to treat it with ointments containing salicylic acid, zinc, urea, tar, etc. In case of severe itching, you can use antihistamines over the counter in a pharmacy.

If there are blisters filled with fluid under the skin, the zinc-based cream from pharmacy can be applied. The palms can be also soaked in the highly diluted potassium permanganate with light pink color or in the decoction from yarrow. Do not use chamomile, it is a strong allergen and weakened skin can react to it.

In the phase in which the blisters did not disappear, but started to crack, the skin peels off and there are oozing deposits, you can try to calm the skin with the black tea bath. After the bath, the deposit shall be smeared with ichtoxyl-based black ointment purchased at pharmacy. It is better to visit a dermatologist in this phase to get a prescription to a prescription corticosteroid ointment. You should not be afraid of corticosteroids.

The prevention is a necessary part of life with hypersensitive skin. If you use the barrier cream, you can achieve a great improvement of the state of your skin and prevent the repeated occurring of the skin issues.



Immediate solution for contact eczema and rashes

  • The cream forms an invisible long-term barrier against allergens on the skin
  • Prevention of contact eczema, intertrigo, rashes, diaper dermatitis
  • Protects up to 6 hours, moisturises, non-greasy, not perfumed

Buy cream

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