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Eczemas on palms - treatment

Eczemas on palms - treatment

The most common types of eczemas on palms are the allergic contact eczema and atopic eczema, and then the irritant contact eczema and acute toxic eczema.

Allergic contact eczema and atopic eczema are inherited diseases associated with impaired skin signaling.

Irritant eczema on palms occurs if the skin is often and repeatedly irritated. Skin becomes hypersensitive on specific substances.


Acute toxic eczema on palms develops as a result of contact with a substance that damages each type of skin e.g., lye, acid, plant essential oil causing blisters such as cow parsnip, sumac, parsnip, etc.

The common denominator of eczemas on palms is the skin irritation and its reaction. If you have the experience and you know that your skin reacts extensively to irritation, you need to use protective equipment. Most common are the protective gloves and barrier creams. However, the irritation often cannot be prevented.

How to mitigate the manifestations of irritation?

It is dependent on the symptoms associated with the manifestation of eczema on palms. There is a basic principle applied: dry is treated with dry, wet is treated with wet.

If the palms are dry, reddened, the skin is peeling, flaky, cracking, and a callus-like crusts are forming, the first aid in such case is a zinc-based cream with moisturizing effect. Zinc calms the skin, and the moisturizing ingredients allow the skin to regenerate. The ideal procedure comprises smearing hands in a thick layer for the night and putting on clean cotton white gloves. The skin has to be perfectly protected during next few days against any irritation. Use gloves or barrier cream. If the skin doesn’t show improvement, is itchy and stays redden, it is necessary to apply the corticosteroid ointment. Only the least effective corticosteroid ointment is free available at pharmacies - HYDROCORTISONE 1%. If this one doesn’t help, you’ll need to see a dermatologist.

Weeping eczema on palms can be cured hardly at home. The baths and poultices are recommended, applied for 5 minutes several times a day. You can use highly diluted potassium permanganate (light pink solution), lukewarm black tea, decoction from rapeseed or Solutio Jarisch. The hands should be rubbed with a so-called black ointment containing the ichtoxyl after the bath. The ointment prevents secondary infection and keeps the skin smooth. Do not apply band-aids or synthetic covers onto the oozing hands, it is better to leave the affected area exposed to the air. Avoid chamomile poultices. Although chamomile does dry the skin, it is a strong allergen, therefore nothing the irritated skin would benefit from.

If the eczema does not improve in several days, or if it spreads on contrary, itches persistently or aches, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Based on the medical findings, the doctor prescribes the corticosteroid creams with or without antibiotic component. Corticosteroids are not to be afraid of, if they are used occasionally.


Immediate solution for contact eczema and rashes

  • The cream forms an invisible long-term barrier against allergens on the skin
  • Prevention of contact eczema, intertrigo, rashes, diaper dermatitis
  • Protects up to 6 hours, moisturises, non-greasy, not perfumed

Buy cream

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