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Eczema, diaper rash, dry skin... ...one solution
  • aaa

    Protects weakened skin
    in case of eczema and intertrigo

    Effective prevention

    Protects, strengthens and moisturises a weakened skin barrier
    from allergens and aggressive substances for up to 6 hours.

  • Dermaguard

    Protects weakened skin
    in case of eczema and intertrigo

    Effective prevention

    Protects, strengthens and moisturises a weakened skin barrier
    from allergens and aggressive substances for up to 6 hours.

  • Dermaguard

    Protects weakened skin
    in case of eczema and intertrigo

    Effective prevention.

    Protects, strengthens and moisturises a weakened skin barrier
    from allergens and aggressive substances for up to 6 hours.

    What can we help you with?

    Contact Eczema

    Causes of the disease

    Contact eczema is caused by congenital (allergic eczema) or acquired (irritant eczema) hypersensitivity of the skin to a number of substances. In both cases, it is the impaired protective function of the skin that causes problems. In the case of acquired hypersensitivity (irritative eczema), the skin barrier is disrupted by frequent and repeated contact with substances that damage it (various abrasives) degrease it (soaps, disinfectants) and have a caustic effect on it (cleaners, bleaches). Irritation is most often caused by metals, household chemicals, animal hair, feathers and dust, as well as plant and animal juices. The skin manifestations of contact allergic and irritant eczema are similar. The skin is at first noticeably dry, begins to turn red and itches. Later, pimples or blisters appear, then crack and form scabs or wet patches. Occasionally, patches of keratinized skin are formed and crack in depth. The onset of symptoms lasts between 30 minutes and 72 hours. There is also a very common variant of chronic irritant eczema, where phases such as dryness, redness and itching persist for years without further manifestations.

    Dermaguard in Treatment

    • Dermaguard creates a barrier between the skin and the allergen, reducing skin irritation
    • it protects weakened skin for 4-6 hours and gives it time to regenerate
    • it effectively and long-lastingly moisturises without being greasy
    • it does not wash off the skin, but gradually wears off
    • it is clinically proven and recommended by the Czech Dermatovenerological Society

    When to Use Dermaguard

    It is most effective to start using the cream as soon as you notice your skin becoming more receptive to its surroundings. Daily preventive use helps to prevent an outbreak of acute eczema. It is ideal to start using the cream when the skin is soothed, but it can be used at the first signs of irritation such as slight redness and itching. We do not use the cream on acute red, inflamed, swollen or cracked areas. Such conditions should be treated first by corticosteroids and the cream should only be used on soothed skin. This will prevent the problem from recurring. Dermaguard can be used on any part of the body, except the mucous membranes.



    Immediate solution for contact eczema and rashes

    • The cream forms an invisible long-term barrier against allergens on the skin
    • Prevention of contact eczema, intertrigo, rashes, diaper dermatitis
    • Protects up to 6 hours, moisturises, non-greasy, not perfumed

    Buy cream

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